Want to become COSMERIA Blogger?
Attention Cosmetic lovers! We are looking for COSMERIA blogger!
What is COSMERIA ?
COSMERIA is Japanese cosmetic review platform. We ship thousands of Japanese cosmetics across Asia. Today, over 100,000 fans follow our facebook.
Why we are looking for COSMERIA bloggers?
We are collecting unbiased product review about Japanese cosmetics. As a COSMERIA blogger, you have privilege for trying out new Japanese cosmetics. Blogs can be shown more personal experiences about how you felt about some products and your opinion about some products.
Check our blog for example : PRODUCT REVIEW / BRAND REVIEW
What is my benefit becoming COSMERIA Blogger?
You will receive Japanese cosmetic product from us for you to review. Free shipping worldwide. Enjoy!
How can I become COSMERIA Blogger?
- Motivation - Loving to try new cosmetics from Japan and willing to write about it
- Skills - Critical writing skills about cosmetic
- Language - English, Traditional Chinese or Simplified Chinese
How can I apply?
- Send us short introduction about yourself and tell us why you think you are qualified for COSMERA blogger
- Send us your cosmetics articles or blogs that previously written by you. If you don’t have any, create sample article about cosmetics you love and send it to us (500 to 800 words along with photos)
- Send us all information via facebook messenger (follow and send us message)
Blog Guideline
Here is our blog guideline. All bloggers must follow instruction below. Please see sample article.
- Blog article must be 500 to 800 words in length
- Take minimum of 5 pictures about products in different angles (package, container etc…)
- Article should include followings
- How it looks like (detail description about package and container, size, weight etc…)
- How it smell (scented or not. If scented, how it is like)
- Ingredients (explain key elements of products)
- How to use
- How it feel when apply
- Before/After (photo preferable)
- Conclusion (Your opinion about products)